15 September 2014

Quantum Entanglement, Multiverse And Arrow Of Time

I don't have much mathematical knowledge of these topics.So the below discussion will be purely conceptual.

In the following post we will be discussing the implications of combining Quantum Entanglement , Multiverse Theory and the concept of Arrow of Time to create a deeper understanding of the universe.

Lets first begin with Quantum Entanglement .

What is quantum entanglement?
Lets suppose a spin 0 particle decays into two particles of half integer spins.By conservation of spin we know that if one is spin up the other should be spin down. But as per quantum mechanics a particle is in a superposition of various states until we make an observation.So suppose we observe the first particle and find it to be spin up, then the other particle 'will' measure spin down.
The act of determining the spin of the first particle somehow affects the second particle!!
Some information should travel from the first particle to the second instantly to convey the information since the second particle should 'collapse' to spin down state from the superposed state.But 'nothing can travel faster than light'.

We had nothing to worry if we were dealing with classical mechanics.But quantum mechanics state that the spin of the second particle cannot be predetermined because it is in a state of superposition.

Another example:
This one might not be as apparent as the last.
I think everyone knows about the double slit experiment.
In a double slit experiment whenever we make a measurement to determine which hole the electron passed through the interference pattern disappears.
That is when we detect the electron at one slit, the 'other part' of the electron should know not to go through the second hole.(The electron should know where it is!!).

Its better to consider the first example if you don't understand the second.

Now we try to explain this 'anti-quantum mechanical' phenomenon in terms of quantum mechanics.
The explanation is more or less philosophical.

Intuitively I feel that the simplest law that could govern anything is 'just to exist'.This is somewhat apparent from quantum mechanics.

We make an assumption that our 'world' is only governed by 'Just Exist' law, which is in turn controlled by 'potentials'. This will give us the 'multi-verse' i.e our universe exist in all possible states it can.We are part of one such state.

Now think about the universe as a tree. From the main stem it splits up into different branches.Like-wise at each 'decision point' the universe split into several state with different possible 'decisions' which result in different outcomes. That is each time you break an entanglement, you are actually becoming part of one such states. One state of universe in which you measure spin up and another in which you measure spin down.

Initially the universe can be thought of as super-state which is a superposition of several states, which then splits up into different states which is in turn made up of superposition of several sub-states.
Before you make the measurement you are part of one such super-state.When we make the measurement you are collapsing to one of the sub-states.

This splitting of states can be interpreted as the direction of time. That is direction of splitting of states gives the direction of arrow of time. Also this splitting requires that we need more and more information to describe the state of the universe and by statistical interpretation of entropy, entropy increases.


  1. But sir,
    Can we assume that spin entanglement occurs while they are in infinite distance.What if both has same spin assuming they are at infinite distance

  2. They are not occurring when they are infinite distances apart. I understand that i didn't write that part clear enough. The opposite spin particles are produced and then the separation between them is increased to a large enough value.

    What scientists actually did is that they first created a entangled pair, increased the separation between them and measured the spin of the two entangled particles 'almost' instantaneously from 2 different places.The distance was large enough so that light can't travel between the particles within the 'almost instantaneous' time interval.

    Please comment for any further clarification.
